United Arab Emirates EN

Trading Floor Technologies

Our trading floor technologies support systems and audit trails, offering electronic market data and near real-time messaging feeds.

Real-time updates

Our trading floor technologies include:

  • Selected order flow messages, in near real-time, sent to partner exchanges.
  • All messages for a given trading day are sent to the partner exchange.
  • Market data is loaded directly to trading floor flat panels.

Client Onboarding Certifications

Our automated, easy to use certification tool tests the validity of applications.

Test certification before completion

We provide a dedicated certification environment to allow your customers to test their systems before certification completion:

  • Our web tool provides an HTML-based interface for customers and administrators.
  • Customers can configure, test and review the results of their tests.
  • Our tool simulates a client connection, redirecting messages for possible modification, storage and certification.

Shared Services

Our shared services solutions provide central storage of infrastructure, hardware and network information.

Central storage

  • A centralized system provides secure, protected user interface-based endpoints for applications to update information
  • User defined templates provide a structure to store configurations, endpoints and transport details for various applications.
  • Standalone sync applications periodically ensure the configuration database is in sync with systems that contain infrastructure, engine and trading unit related information for each environment.
  • Standalone systems upload information to a centralized area.

Clearing Systems

Our CME clearing solutions help you mitigate counterparty risk by maintaining a matched book and risk-neutral position.

Logical, sequential clearing solutions

Our clearing flow has been divided into modules to logically follow the sequence of actions performed.

  • Trade entry: manages transactions from all venues (electronic, trading floor, third-party apps, direct and over-the-counter).
  • Post-trade processing: shows average pricing, allocations and transfers.
  • Risk management: delivers performance bonds, financial safeguards, daily mark-to-market, open position inventory, option exercise/assignments.
  • Financial management: provides settlement variation, collateral management, investment, banking and custody solutions.

Market Data

We offer essential, reliable components to provide real-time price quotes, on the trading floor, for all client-supported futures and options.


Our market data platform redistributes market data and provides recovery and supporting services to users.

  • Match Engine: publishes messages in response to events.
  • Market Data Generator: handles messages from the engine and publishes market data to external consumers.
  • Snapshot Adapter: allows customers to recover the state of the market in the middle of the week, with updated real and implied book prices and statistics.
  • Instrument Adapter: continuously replays the security definition messages of the instruments available for trading for the current week.
  • Message Persisted: persists all binary messages received from the market data generator to the FileMaker Pro (FMP) database.
  • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Reply: allows customers to request a replay of a limited set of binary messages already published on the incremental market data channel, using one database.

Pricing Systems

Our pricing app calculates, uploads, modifies and publishes settlement prices and settles all exchange products.

Our three-part solution

  • Pricing Web (UI): sets up, modifies, publishes and prices exchange products.
  • Admin app: schedules settlement times for next trade day, creates settlement records and copies prior day settlements.
  • Pricing Engine: calculates and creates settlement files using preconfigured algorithms for historical data and price details.

Regulatory Services

Bespoke solutions for managing regulatory systems.

Real-time monitoring

Our solutions monitor electronic trade activity and provide real-time monitoring of positions and alerts for clearing risk facilities.

  • The Report Service: is a component of the Advanced Regulatory Enterprise System, which uses the market replay book state.
  • Regulatory Large Traders and Firm Regulatory Portal: is merged with other exchanges to regulate and report traders or firms with large volumes of open positions as well as to track position accountability, spec limits and market concentration. Firms use the externally facing version of LTR, the Large Trader (Firm).
  • Registrar Reporting Systems: allow the registrar team to submit requests for the two roles available for Firms.
  • Regulatory Applications for Processing In-Memory Data: provides a reliable market regulatory system for monitoring orders routed through the electronic trading system.

Industry Experts

Brij Goyal

Brij Goyal

Senior Director - Technology


Krithika Pothi

Krithika Pothi

Senior Quality Manager


Innovate with Synechron

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